Palace of Apries at Memphis
More recently, in 1909, in the course of excavations carried on by the British School of Archaeology in Egypt, the palace of King Apries, Pharaoh Hophra, has been discovered on the site of Memphis, the ancient capital of Egypt. Under the gray mud hill, close to the squalid Arab village of Mitrahenny, which every tourist passes on the way to Sakkhara, had lain for centuries Hophra's magnificent palace, 400 ft. long by 200 ft., with a splendid pylon, an immense court, and stonelined halls, of which seven have been found intact. With many other objects of value there was found a fitting of a palanquin of solid silver, decorated with a bust of Hathor with a gold face. It is said to be of the finest workmanship of the time of Apries-Hophra, a relic of the fire, which, Jeremiah predicted at Tahpanhes, the Lord of Hosts was to kindle "in the houses of the gods of Egypt" (Jeremiah 43:12).
The main palace building was excavated in two seasons between 1908 and 1910. It is located on a massive artificial platform. Most of the walls of the palace are constructed in mud-brick, while important elements such as columns, pavements and wall cladding (at least to a certain height) are of limestone. Some of the capitals of the columns still bore the name of king Apries, who was therefore most likely the builder of main parts of the complex.
King Zedekiah and the Babylonian Chronicle
King Zedekiah is in this same chapter and verse of Jeremiah that the Pharaoh Apries-Hophra is mentioned. We are going to compare the record of the Babylonian chronicle clay tablet, as translated into English by scholars, with the account recorded in the Bible. This tablet resides in the British Museum.
"He installed in his place a king Zedekiah of his own choice, and after he had received rich tribute, he sent them forth to Babylon." - Babylonian Chronicle
I gave Zedekiah king of Judah into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon - Jeremiah 44:30
This chronicle names all of the following people and all of them are in the bible! - Jehoiachin - Zedekiah - Pharaoh Necho - Nebuchadnezzar
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